Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Visit to Team 2000 in Thailand

We were able to visit MBMSI's Team 2000 in Thailand. The photo above shows the church. They meet in the afternoon for church and we arrived just in time. First there was a time of praise and worship followed by a sermon and then announcements and updates. The room was packed with people of all ages and full of energy and a feeling of community. There is Sunday School for the kids with even a class for international teenagers which was in English. Erik and Conrad were happy to attend that and they were able to renew some relationships with a few of the kids whom they've met before at retreats. After church the whole church shares a meal together. The day we were there it was rice with a sauce and some spicy steamed buns. We slept on the third floor.

After the church supper there was some break-dancing by the Thai guys.
The Canadian guys just watched!

The next day we visited the orphanage where HIV/AIDS boys live. Some of the boys are on medicines that cost up to $400 a month. We'd love to write more about our visit but feel this may not be the best space for that. It was an informative, exciting and enjoyable visit.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Phyllis' Parents Come To Visit

Last week my parents came for a week from Chiang Mai, Thailand. We really enjoyed having them come again. While they were here we went about our daily routine of school and work but we also did a few special things like going out to eat at favorite restaurants. Also, Mom and Dad came out to Sangthong with us for a special event one day.
We played the board game Carcassonne and Conrad won (again!).

We went out for pizza. Here are the Pepsi drinkers....

....and on the other side of the table, the water drinkers.

Mom worked on quilting a border for a map table cloth that Arthur's mom gave me for my birthday last year. Last winter, Arthur's mom was shopping with Tante Liesel who encouraged her to buy it for me. So now when I look use the map table cloth, I can think of all 3 of them!