Saturday, September 19, 2015

Happy 10th Anniversary to our Blog

We never thought we'd be blogging for this long, but this month we are celebrating 10 years of blogging under the name MangoRains with Blogger.

Here is a photo from our first post back in September 2005

We were living in Laos at the time.  Our internet connection wasn't very fast, steady or reliable.  Some of our first posts don't have photos because they took such a long time to upload.  A few times we'd start uploading and then go for lunch and come back an hour later to see a photo just finishing.  Our first photo (above) isn't even very good quality, as you can see.

After almost 500 posts, we can say that we've had a lot of fun blogging over the years.   We've blogged about some of our activities -- both the good times and challenging times.  And it has been rewarding for us.  We are thinking of making a family memory book using our blog posts from the past 10 years.

Changes to Come
We are planning to make some changes to our blogging in the next little while.  Once we figure out what we are doing, and have it up and running, we will let you know through this site.  We will post instructions on how to keep following us.

Cairo, as seen from the Nile, at sunset....