Craft and Bake Sale
The sale was a great success. The final tally has not yet been done so we don't know how much was raised but there was a lot of selling going on. We are sure that there was more baking this year than ever and all of it was gone at the end of the day.
Here's a look at the room before we opened the doors.
I didn't take a photo of the crowds because I was too busy helping people with donations but here is a close up of the queen sized quilt that will be raffled off in May.
The crazy quilt that Arthur pieced this summer was for sale and hanging on the end wall. (None of the big quilts sold today.)
I took a few more pictures of the baking but they are on the camera which we left at the office.
The woman who usually provided the background music CDs for the sale has moved away so we brought ours and soon realized that we don't really have that much Christmas music. And what we do have is quite weird. Maybe it is time to work on that.
All in all, It was a fun day.