Monday, June 09, 2008

Children's Day

Last week Laos celebrated children's day and so we visited a few events to help mark the day.
We went to a book festival and watched the crowd as some children read some poems they had written. (Photo above.)

This boy found a good book and was reading in the library at the book festival.

I also visited Erik and Conrad's school at lunch time and found Erik in the library (red shirt, facing away) and Conrad on the soccor field (blue shirt with the ball).

PVG had some fun and games planned. While we visited there was a messy relay going on that involved flour, straws and passing rubber bands.

Nita school hosted a dance competition and I was able to see a fashion show where the kids were wearing costumes they had made out of recycled items. This was similar to the one at PVG earlier so I'm wondering if this is the latest thing for schools to do as part of their after school activities.