Monday, March 05, 2007

Ian and Angela
Adventures in Laos

On Saturday we went to Buddha Park,
about 25 km out of Vientiane.
Here is Angela stepping out of the mouth of
a giant monster.

They also visited That Luang,
or the Golden Stupa,
which is a Lao national symbol.
The Golden Stupa is home to
a piece of the breastbone of the Buddha.
Can you see them?
They are really small.

As it turns out, "Ian" in Lao
Thus, a picture of a basket of eels

makes in on to our blog.

We also attended a
Lao Baci Ceremony
where people tie stings on to each others
wrists as a symbol of connected-ness
or community.

Ian bought Angela some flowers
which she arranged
and we all enjoyed.

Phyllis at the Patu Xai fountains.

(Victory Monument)