Monday, August 27, 2012

Outtatown Bake Sale

Conrad and three friends who are going on Outtatown were in our kitchen baking for a fundraising Bake Sale that they had at our church.

From our kitchen, they made:
  • 1 Texas Sheet Cake
  • 1 Batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • 2 Apple Rhubarb Pies
  • 1 Mango Platz
  • 1 Peach Platz
  • 2 Nectarine Pies
  • 10 Apple-Rhubarb Perishkys
  • A Partridge in a Pear Tree (Just kidding!)

    • Conrad has inherited some of his father's famous pie baking skills because the end results were really good!
    Here are two of the Outtatowners were joined by a good friend (middle) who helped them do some baking one evening.