Monday, August 06, 2012

On the Move

Are you wondering why we are so behind on posting events?

Arthur's parents sold their house and yard in early June. They had eight weeks to find a new place and get organized to move! After living on that yard for a lifetime and in that house for over 40 years this seemed like an overwhelming task! We spent the following weekends, holidays, banked days and evenings packing, sorting, painting and helping in any way that we could.

In the end, we realize that we didn't take many pictures of the move. From the old place, we've got two photos: The boys disassembling the stereo and me trying on a bridesmaid dress Mom wore to her sister's wedding in 1966.

Mom and Dad got the keys for the condo on July 16.

So that day we gathered at the new place for KFC supper. It also was Everett's 3rd birthday so we celebrated that on the floor of the dining room with cupcakes.

It was a marathon 2 months but we achieved the goal and on July 27th they moved into a lovely, large, newly painted and freshly cleaned condo that fulfilled all of Mom's criteria (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ensuite laundry, a view of trees, and indoor parking).


Now all we/they need to do is unpack and get settled! But we can take our time doing that.