On July 24th we went on a day trip with Arthur's Uncle and Aunt to see some more of the sights around Manitoba, the province where we live, and to be together telling stories.

We also went further up north to see the very conservative group of Mennonites who moved from Ontario to some farms north of Gladstone. They don't use electricity or motors for most things. Here is a small photo of them haying with horses and a wagon.
We stopped at a Mennonite house that was advertising potatoes and we bought $7 of new potatoes (dirt included). It was a bit sobering because the family was living in what looked to be complete poverty in an old house which I think should have been condemned. I didn't take any pictures because it seemed disrespectful. We also stopped at a workshop and met some men making furniture. They were using a gas powered motor to turn their saws and sanders.
We had supper in Portage La Prairie at Dick's Cafe, a Chinese restaurant recommended to us by my sister. The dinner for four was fantastic.
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