Friday, November 24, 2006


I’m taking my foot to Bangkok!

As you know, I’ve been watching my foot slowly heal the past few months. It’s made some improvements but the bones are still not aligned properly. I can easily see this when I have my foot in a sandal and the toes are not in the toe grooves but aimed out. So I have decided to go to Bangkok to get my foot looked at by an orthopaedic surgeon. My rehab therapist and I are fairly certain that surgery will be the next step.

Arthur is away until Sunday evening so I’m waiting for him to come back before I leave. I will leave Vientiane on Monday evening (27) and I have a consultation appointment on Tuesday at Bumrungrad Hospital. Arthur and the boys will stay home and carry on with their routines.

I feel good about having finally made this decision although I’m not looking forward to the pain involved in the next step, and the uncertainty of how it will turn out.

Either Arthur or I will blog to let you know how things develop as we know more.

Stepping Carefully,

PS: Here’s the history of my foot

August 15
Fall off a curb while carrying heavy luggage in Nong Khai, Thailand
(It’s embarrassing that this is how it all started!)
Go to Eak Udon Hospital for treatment
Manipulate bones back into place, put in a cast
X-rays show bones are still out of place
Aug 16
MRI in Khon Kaen
Memorable (and horrible) 2-hour trip in an ambulance
Aug 17
Surgery to insert 5 pins
Aug 19
Go home
Aug 31
Get second opinion from BNH Hospital in Bangkok
Doctor there says “good enough” and that nothing more is required
Sept 26
Pins come out
Oct 16
Udon Doctor signs off, give me x-rays and says I can gradually start walking
Oct 26
Start Physio Therapy in Vientiane
Nov 22
Decide to go to Bangkok Posted by Picasa